Monday, April 21, 2014

111/365: MERS-Cov Awareness

21 of April

Happy Ester Monday to all!

At this moment people are coming back from out of town trips after spending the annual Holy week break and probably most are not aware of the current alert from the Department of Health about the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus or commonly knows as MERS-Cov.

Just to help a bit with the our health departments alertness campaign, I am sharing this advisory on this site.

MERS_Cov 1

Remember that this is not to create panic but awareness for everybody.  Always remember that when it comes to health ‘PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE!”

Information Source from here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this awareness campaign Ms. B. and I hope and pray that this health concern shall be stopped the soonest before it can go pandemic.


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