Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sunday Story and Photograph: Me and Ed Sheeran on Mother's Day

I don't have Ed Sheeran in my saved Spotify playlist.

Not because I don't like the guy or his music but, because I don't feel the need to add him on my personal saved playlist because you can literally hear his music EVERYWHERE! At work, in classy or cheap shops, taxis or any kind of commute or to whatever place that music can be played Ed is there. Almost all singers both famous, wannabes and you-tubers are doing covers of his music to the point of making his Perfect song IMperfect (sigh*).

Anyway it's perfectly understandable.  Who wouldn't love Ed Sheeran?  Apart from him being a genius song writer and possessing an awesome voice that gets to your heart's core, the guy is also (freaking) adorable with his "all-time-casual-attitude, cutie smiles, ginger head plus looking like Ron Weasley.

Personally, I love Ed Sheeran's music because most of them is written from the (his) heart meaning, they are all so so true.  They seem to be always written as a story that anyone who listens will know WHAT happened and HOW to feel.

So what the adorable Ed has to do with (my) Mother's Day?

If you had been following this blog you will know that there are several things that pulls me (back) to writing/blogging.  Sometimes its the "rain", "a song lyric" and always is "my being a sucker for sad things".  And hard as I try not to but... Mother's Day really makes me feel sad.  In spite of my age and me being a happy mother I can't help but, this day always drives me back to my fourteen year old self - the year when I lost my mother.

So here I go again finding myself  reunited with my old lappy browsing old photographs while listening to whatever music Spotify play in my headset-piped-ears with the strong urge to write without any specific topic in mind.  All I know is that huge piece of sadness again is back hanging in my chest.

And for some twist of fate Ed Sheeran suddenly played.  The melody is familiar but the lyrics... I think this is the only time I really listened to it... and I cried... once again I cried on Mother's Day... and I write...


I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill 
I threw the day old tea from the cup
Packed up the photo album Matthew had made
Memories of a life that's been love
Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals
Poured the old ginger beer down the sink
Dad always told me. "don't you cry when you're down"
But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink.

Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know 
A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved.

So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up 
Spread your wings as you go 
And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah 
You're home

I fluffed the pillows, made the beds. stacked the chairs up
Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case 
John says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek
And wiped a tear from the side of my face

I hope that I see the world as you did cause I know
A life with love is a life that's been lived 

So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up 
Spread your wings as you go 
And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah 
You're home.

The story behind the song 
"Ed Sheeran's grandmother was very ill during the time he was making the record and she passed away at the end of him making the record.  He wrote the song as a tribute to her grandmother.  He wasn't initially going to include the song on his album "Divide" but during his grandmother's funeral his grandfather encouraged him to." (CTTO/Source: Web)
As for my story...

I Held You Till Your Last Breath
When You Lose A Mother The Mourning Never Stops

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