Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sunday Thoughts and Photograph: No Matter How You Call Her


Moeder  - Afrikans 

Nene or Meme - Albanian 

Ahm - Arabic

Matka - Belarusan 

Majko - Bosnian 

Manko - Bulgarian

Mare - Catalan 

Mati. Majka - Croatian

Matka - Czech

Mor - Danish 

Moeder - Dutch 

Ema- Estonian 

Nanay - Filipino 

Aiti - Finnish 

Mere - French, Maman 

Meowmy - Cat

Mutter - German 

Mana - Greek 

Makuahine - Hawaiian 

Maji - Hindi 

Anya, Fu - Husgarian

Moooir - Icelandic

Induk, Nyokap - Indonesian

Mathair - Irish 

Madre, Mama - Italian 

Okaasan - Japanese

Mater - Latin 

Mate - Latvian 

Motina - Lithuanian 

Ibu - Malay 

Mor, Mamma - Norwegian

Madr - Persian 

Matka - Polish 

Mae - Portuguese 

Mataji, Mai - Romanian 

Matb - Russian 

Tina - Samoan 

Majko - Serbian 

Matka - Slovak 

Madre, Mama - Spanish 

Mzazi, Mzaa - Swahili

Mamma, Morsa, Mor - Swedish 

Anne, Ana - Turkish 

Matn - Ukranian 

Me - Vietnamese 

Mam - Welsh 

Different languages, and different cultures, but mean only one thing - unconditional love. 


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Lady Fishbone, good to see you again here! Thanks for dropping by :)


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