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Showing posts from July, 2012

What Sports Do You Play? Inspired by the London Olympics 2012

What are the common topics that you frequently hear from casual conversations among people nowadays?  Usually they are about what is the model of the cell phones and gadgets they are using or wanting to buy.  This is because people tend to be carried away by what is currently trending and forget about the more  important matters they need. These gadgets will absolutely make you look “cool” and then later… “COLD”. Currently trending right now is the London Olympics 2012.  Did this trend affected you even a bit?  What about asking yourself “What sports do I play?”.  Or what physical activity that you are doing that in return is doing good to your body? We should have at least one sports that we play as we go along with our lives.  One that can help us stay physically fit all along.  It doesn't necessarily need to be a competitive sports or you to be in the competitive level.  Sports benefits are basic and we are all familiar about it, but just the same let me mention some. It

Sunday Poem and Photographs: Dear Daughter

When times seem too hard to bear and I feel like giving up I vision your beautiful face, the twinkle of your eyes and things of such The bond we created from my womb to the day you were born Is a mother and daughter bind that can never be torn With the strength and guidance of God and the blessings he pours down from above I want to be the best mom I can be to you and embrace you with all my love You are as precious as a flower and as gorgeous as a rose You have been specially made to the very tip of your nose You are as sweet as honey; such an innocent young child You are brighter than any star in the sky every time you smile I want you to be proud of who you are and strive to be the best Put forth your efforts to achieve your goals and let God do the rest I will always be your mother first, but I'm also your friend You are the most precious gift, that I've ever been given  It was one tough time when I brought you out to this world but it

Tomorrow Is Not Promised

I was going around my stuff that I packed two years ago, back in the time when I decided that I’m done with the corporate world.  I realized that I did not check back to this box-load of stuff since I packed it when I exited that world of mine. The sad thing is that, I’m digging this box because I’m looking for a document that will support a stupid system that halted something that I had worked so hard for a couple of weeks.  I was feeling upset and frustrated while doing the digging. I realized there are lots of things in this box that I really really love.  They are of no financial values.  Just the silly stuff that I can’t take away so I just keep them.  As I picked and tousled things, I came across some small notebooks where I used to write anything that I can think of  at the moment. One of the small notebooks is a favorite since college days.  It is covered with my stamp collections and in it are my favorite quotations, prose, phrases and some poems that I personally wrote.

An Ode To A One Fine Man–Dolphy. The Comedy King of Philippine Movie

I remember laughing alone in front of the old TV,  watching black and white movie re-runs during the lazy afternoon after school. I remember you… as an actor who can portray gay roles in the most funny and effective way. as “Jack” (n Jill), as “Facifica Falayfay”, as “Fefita Fofonggay”, as “Darna" as a super hero, super agent, super playboy and lover, super poor, super rich  and the most super ordinary person. "As I grew up watching "John en Marsha",  I thought it would be cool to have "Puruntong" as a surname. You made us laugh even in your simplest punch lines. As I grew older and idolized Kevin Costner, you stole the scene and became “Kevin Kosme”. Once again, you created an unforgettable character. I will remember you as a very famous person who supported politician friends but never run for any post. The charismatic playboy but remains responsible with all of his kids. So fortunate but never forgets the less fortunate

Sunday Poem and Photograph: Rainbow

"Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, “God always sends rainbows after the rain.” God sent me double rainbow today :)

Randomness on the 4th of July

This has nothing to do with the celebration of  US Independence Day, but just the same “Happy 4th of July” to all our American friends! It’s the second day that the local authorities declared “No Classes” for the pre-grade and elementary levels in most schools here in Metro Manila due to floods and heavy rains resulting from “low pressure area”.  Yesterday was a whole-wet-day but today the sun is shining a bit but being interrupted by drizzles from time to time. As expected, the cancellation of classes is trending and social media threads and time lines are flooded with rants from irate parents.  Instead of joining the rants (and reading lots of rants) about the incompetence of the authorities in the announcement of “no classes”, we put on our running gears and headed out to have a run by the bay. I am thankful that we did!  For out of this randomness, we are able to add more simple but memorable moments in our family life, plus the chance to contemplate some neglected lessons in